

Across the country, Randall marked his birthday by attempting to burgare the burglar who broke into his home weeks prior, only to be stood up at the homeless shelter after bailing him out of jail. The resident confronted the burglar, fought with him and ultimately held him down until officers arrived. David Hernandez, San Diego Union-Tribune, 10 Oct.

The alleged burglar was later re-captured in Brooklyn. Norton had hung his coat on the back of a chair, and the drawers of a piece of furniture had been pulled out, supposedly by the burglar, within inches of the coat. The Florida native died at age 24 in November 2007, after he was shot in the leg by a burglar in his Miami home while defending his family. Defense attorneys had said their clients suspected Arbery was a burglar and were trying to make a citizen’s arrest, which was legal at the time. The burglar or burglars who entered the home stole items including jewelry.

These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word ‘burglar. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Our team at The Usage has selected the best home security camera systems. 9 Misnomers and Misleading Names These words mean what? Get Word of the Day daily email!

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