
Kool aid jammers

Who Kool aid jammers To Be A Millionaire? Bowser Junior Goes To Military School! 035 0 0 1 6 .

SML Question: What is the coolest person you know? This article is about the episode. For the character, see PJ Crenshaw. There’s a new coolest person in the world! The episode begins at Y U DUMB? Elementary School with Jackie Chu teaching about anteaters. Junior must take notes, but doesn’t have a pencil.

Since his friends all can’t give him one, he asks Roy Gethard for one. PJ comes over, and Junior quickly snitches on Roy. But it turns out, snitching is uncool to PJ so he declares both Junior and Roy uncool. This is devastating as Cody and Joseph stop talking to Junior, as it is uncool to know he exists anymore. But Roy challenges PJ to a cool-off where they see who is cooler. PJ ends up winning this round. Roy has a huge tongue, while PJ has a tiny tongue.

This causes Roy to win in a second. The last round is to see who can make a girl make out with them first. Roy starts going on about Super Bowl tickets, while PJ starts showing the girl all his expensive things. This episode was uploaded two years after “Chef Pee Pee’s Date! This is possibly Roy Gethard’s final appearance. This is Steve Staleboerger’s first appearance since “Jeffy Plays Football!

This is the second episode where the title is just the name of a character, the first being “Jeffy! To see full results of this poll, see here. How To Save Princess Peach, The Black Yoshi Way? Bowser Junior Goes To The Fair!

Bowser Junior Goes To Disney World! Bowser Junior Goes To The Sun! Bowser Junior Gets His Nose Pierced! Jeffy Gets Stung By A Bee! Bowser Junior Goes To The Future! Bowser Junior Sneaks Into A Movie! Black Yoshi’s Call Of Duty Special Edition!

Bowser Junior Almost Goes To Sleep Forever! Black Yoshi’s Call Of Duty Loan! Black Yoshi’s Call Of Duty Modern Warfare! Chef Pee Pee Goes to Hollywood! Jeffy and Junior Sneak to Disney World! Jeffy and Junior’s Gold Play Button!

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