
Steak grill time

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If you ask any chef what he wants to eat on his night off, I’ll bet a good majority of them will answer a steak. Of course, we’re not talking about just any steak,  we want something dripping in deliciousness, oozing flavor and right off the grill. Hold your fancy compound butter and sauces, because we want to taste that amazing flavor that only fire can add to meat! The summertime is the perfect time for grilling and once you learn the ins and outs of cooking over charcoal, you’ll find yourself grilling steak house quality steaks throughout the year. It’s really quite easy if you follow my simple rules.

When choosing the right steak look to the USDA’s grading system to assess quality. What are the best types of steak for grilling? Beef was made for fire and you’ll find many types of steaks are perfect for grilling. These are some of my favorites. King of Steaks in my book and only my recent love of ribeyes has moved it down the list.

New York Strip, Kansas City Strip or Strip loin. This steak can be as flavorful as a ribeye but a lot depends on the tenderness of this steak and can often disappoint. And when it comes to steaks remember that fat adds flavor. This is not my favorite steak for grilling and can turn into a very expensive mistake. Other options include Skirt, Flank, Flat Iron and Top Sirloin. Ask your store butcher if you’re not sure, otherwise what should be an epic culinary event will turn into a disaster. The grading designations are largely determined by the amount of visible fat that’s streaked throughout the muscle tissue, called marbling.

Also, since fat insulates, marbling provides some insurance against overcooking. Look for small, evenly distributed specks of fat rather than larger and sparser ones whenever possible. The second rule of Steak House is high heat. And that means starting with good charcoal or a very hot gas grill.

You can also light a pile of about 100 briquets. Replace the top grate, allow it to heat up — all vents should be fully open. You should always start with a clean grill and coat the grill by pouring cooking oil on a folded paper towel, oiling the grate using long-handled tongs to hold the paper oiled paper towels. The first zone should be the hottest part of your grill and the second zone on low heat or indirect heat.

Indirect heat is a barbecue cooking technique in which the food is placed to the side of or above the heat source instead of directly over the flame. This is easily accomplished by keeping the charcoal to one side of your grill, or in the case of gas burners half on and half off. I have a four-burner gas grill and I usually keep the two outside burners on and the 2 inside burners off. The Third Rule of Steak House -How to get the right internal temperature of your steak: Learning to temp your steaks is almost as important as learning how to cook your steaks.

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