
Three girls cupcakes and swirls

Welcome to the Pretty Cure Wiki! Before three girls cupcakes and swirls start editing, please read our rules. Pretty Cure 5: Kagami no Kuni no Miracle Daibouken!

Okashi no Kuni no Happy Birthday! Omocha no Kuni wa Himitsu ga Ippai! Hana no Miyako de Fashion Show Desu ka! Kokoro ga Tsunagu Kiseki no Melody! Ehon no Naka wa Minna Chiguhagu! Pretty Cure A La Mode: Paritto! Pretty Cure: Yume no Machi de Kyun!

Pretty Cure: Yuki no Princess to Kiseki no Yubiwa! Pretty Cure All Stars DX: Minna Tomodachi – Kiseki no Zen’in Daishuugou! Pretty Cure All Stars DX 2: Kibou no Hikari – Rainbow Jewel o Mamore! Pretty Cure All Stars DX 3: Mirai ni Todoke! She is a second-year student at Ichigozaka Middle School.

When she gets excited, she jumps around like a “rabbit”. Pretty Cure of liveliness and smiles, and she is based off shortcakes and rabbits. Her catchphrases are “Whip, Step, Jump! Ichika has magenta eyes and long curled orange hair worn in twin-tails held by large strawberries. She wears a white top with a short pink dress, white sneakers with pink detail, and strawberry socks. For summer, she swaps this with a pink blouse and a short layered white skirt with white shoes featuring a strawberry design.

During winter, she wears a pink sweater with a dark pink skirt, strawberry boots with white socks, and at times pink gloves, white earmuffs, and beige jacket. In the movie she wears a pale pink blouse with a light blue skirt and black shoes with cream socks. At the party, her hair was tied with hot pink ribbon. She wore a bright pink dress with white gloves and pink heels.

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